Well this is the first real training week since competing in the GSB Powerlifting meet on April 21st. To say that I needed a deload week was an understatement. After taking a 1000lb squat for one heck of a ride and then benching a new personal record of 600 my back was trashed. So after 14 weeks of competition prep cycle I need to change things up. I decided that I need to add some volume in and start getting my cardiovascular endurance up a bit just to throw my CNS for a loop.
So this past week looked like:
Back squat 4x10
Barbell lunge 3x10
Glute bridges 4x8
Calf raises 5x15
Floor Press w Swiss bar 4x5 then rep max on 5th set
Incline Dumbbell 4x15-20
Chest supported row 4x10
Pull Down 3x15
Tri pushdown 3x15
Deadlift (trying a new stance a hybrid sumo/conventional) 3x3
Speed pulls 8x1
Low box squat (2" below parallel) 1x20
Band Pull throughs 4x15
Off had a play date with my daughter
For the first week back it felt good to lightly load the spine and get a pump. I'm thinking of going back to a 4 day split. I believe that I need more dynamic work on my bench days so adding a speed day and then switching gears to more shoulder work on that day may get that bench up a little more. This is all a part of a plan to hopefully by next year squat 1060, bench 650, and pull 700-750. We will see. It's also time to start dropping some weight I got up to 250+ for this meet and now by making minor changes to the diet I've dropped down to 240. In the next couple of weeks I'm going to start adding in some sprint work.
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