I apologize in advance for anyone this may offend, but I feel that this is a topic that needs to be discussed. The views and opinions expressed are solely that of Underground Athletic Development HAHAHA!!!! A disclaimer.
Ok my rant for today was brought up by a good friend of mine. He asked "why everyone is organic this, grass fed beef that, 40 minute warm ups and so on. What happened to don't eat crap and be consistent in the gym?" The only answer I could come up with everyone is an expert. People do not want to do the basics and the basics being "don't eat crap and be consistent in the gym". I feel when trying to improve your fitness far too many people lose the forest for the trees. If you don't eat right there is no way that you can improve your fitness and or lifestyle. I like to use the analogy of eating junk is like putting diesel fuel into your car that uses gasoline. Yes the car will run but it will run like crap. It will sputter and have no power much like yourself if you put crap in your body. So first put down the "100 calorie snack packs" and supplements and grab some real food. I'm not knocking organic food because recent tests have proven that there is no nutritional difference between organic vegetables and there non-organic counter parts, but they do provide 100% of your daily pretentiousness. Ok I'm being a little cynical. Sure organic foods are great but just because you eat some organic food doesn't give you the excuse to eat crap the rest of the time. It's kind of like the fatty that drinks a diet coke and then shoves 3 cupcakes down her throat.
Now being consistent in the gym, is another story. I do some work at a small commercial gym and I am required to do "Fitness Consults" (and yes the italics is supposed to be sarcastic). However crappy these "Fitness Consults" are there is one question that always gets me. "How many days a week are you planning on coming to the gym?". 90% of the time people respond, "5-6 days a week would like to go 7 but just don't think I can do that, you know trying to be realistic." If you could go that many days in a row then more power to you but we all know that for a newbie that's not going to happen. When I talk about being consistent in the gym I mean picking 2-3 days a week for a beginner and sticking to those days no matter what. If you go Monday, Wednesday, and Friday but its Wednesday and you're "too tired and will go tomorrow" well I got news for you, you are going to be too tired "tomorrow" also, so just get your butt in the gym! Find a warm up that addresses your specific needs. DO NOT I repeat DO NOT come in touch your toes a few times and do some windmills with your arms and call that a warm up. A warm up should be approximately 5-10 minutes of mobility work that is specific to your needs and the work out that you have planned. With that being said, that does not mean that once you do your mobility warm up you jump straight into your working sets.
Ok, so let's run through this again. Rule number one to success in improving your health /fitness. Don't eat crap and be consistent in the gym. Rule number two Don't eat crap and be consistent in the gym. Awesome simply awesome.
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