Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Training Log Update

I haven't posted any training logs in a long time, partly because I was like does anyone really want to know how I train and because I've been lazy with posting.  Well any ways I've been tinkering with a new template.  I only deadlift for a four week period.  The first three weeks of deads are from a nasty deficit, I mean nasty, the bar is touching the top of my foot (3-4" I don't know). The other 6-8 weeks, depending on how I feel, my deadlift day is either a strongman day or an Olympic lifting day.  My strongman lifts are limited I do a log lift, a fat bar clean an jerk, ghetto stone load ( I take the end off a bar an load it w/ bumpers) a farmers walk and heavy rope row (I load up the prowler and tie a battle rope to the end and pull it to me).  My oly lifts are almost always from the hang, the reason being I don't want it to interfere with my deadlift and vice versa.  The deadlift and a clean or snatch pull are to totally different animals.  If you don't believe me come to my Oly Workshop in Lexington KY starting Nov 17 or hit me up in Louisville.  I will throw some lifts from the floor in but mainly just pulls.  Also still rehabbing a pec tear so snatches are limited in weight, I know being a wuss, but I have to think about being a 100% in August if I'm going to try to post a 2375 total at 242 (1050 squat, 650 bench, and 675 deadlift).

With staging my deadlift like this I have made some big gains in my pull.  I repped 605 raw for 5 which is a rep PR of 20 lbs. for me.  I haven't went for a max single yet but it's coming.  My squat programing just came off a wave of chain back squat where a single with 500# bar weight with about 200# of chains was easy.  Now I'm concentrating on my box squat since it sucks.  Plus I keep in my single leg movements since I swear that's what took me from a 860 squat to flirting with a 1000.  Upper body wise I'm still rehabbing the pec everything feels great but I'm just nervous I do not want a relapse.  So it has been floor pressing with and without chains fairly high volume some light dips if I'm feeling good and plenty of overhead pressing and tons of back work.
So here's what this week looks like:

Cleans from a high hang 315x4
Single leg cross body RDL's 4x8
Hanging leg raises 4x10

Monday: (usually Sunday)
Single Dumbbell overhead press 4x8
Pull ups wide 6x6
Dips bodyweight 4x12-15 (depending on shoulder/pec)
Hammer row 4x15-20
Band pull apart/ band resisted skull crushers 4x10

Box squats 4x4 then 1x3 (working on technique my box squat sucks but my free squat rules)
SSB lunge 4x8
Log bar cleans 4x3
Ab cable rotation 4x15
GHR 4x15

I'll update the rest of the week later.  Stay strong.

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